Disney has been on a role when it comes remaking their classics into live-action movies. Not all of them are a great success though, but I don’t think that is actually the idea behind most of these remakes. I am over 35 years old and I’ve seen many of the classics in either cinema or at home when it was released on VHS tape. However I’m not sure that kids nowadays still re-watch the (old) classics. Enter the remakes…
The Lion King is one of those live-action remakes to appeal to the next generation of kids growing up with the classic Disney stories. What makes The Lion King special, besides the all star cast and amazing soundtrack, is the technology used to make the movie. Jon Favreau, the guy behind Iron Man, The Mandalorian and as actor starring in Friends, Couples Retreat or the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Happy, was asked to take helm of this remake. And he did not hold back! Using state of the art technologies used in other films, he pushed on. For example he used drones to film a virtual environment and used VR headsets to put people inside the movie, making it easier to direct and tell the team what needs to be done.
I’ve recently seen the movie through Disney+ with all the bells and whistles that come with 4K, HDR, Dolby Atmos, etc. And even though the movie might not have rated as high compared to other remakes, I for one see the movie for the beauty it is: a technological marvel and another step in the future of movie making.
Curious to learn more about the technologies used in The Lion King? This YouTube video explains it quite nicely or just watch the extras on Disney+!